East Texas Precast has reached substantial completion on a gorgeous parking garage for Domain Tower in Austin, Texas. This was a two phase garage that totals four parking bays wide, and eight parking levels high. The initial first phase of the garage was only two parking bays, and eight levels high. The first phase was completed and in use while the second phase was installed.

The second phase of this garage added an additional 811 pieces of precast and two more parking bays. This expansions primary purpose is to anticipate higher parking demands in the area upon the completion of the Domain Tower right next door. The Domain Tower is expected to house up to 12,000 new employees in the area, so additional parking is an obvious need for the area.

This white precast garage added unique touch added to it to make is stand out from the other dozen garages in the Domain. That is this grey, gradient paint job that has been painted straight onto the precast pieces using a heavy textured paint.
Below you can see pictures of the back side of the garage that has yet to be fully cleaned and painted.

We'd like to thank the design team for this job Zapalac/Reed Construction, Boka Powell, and Cardno Haynes Whaley. And we can not wait to see how this garage stands out in the Domain area once it is fully complete.